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DRIVEWEAR lens is the photochromic polarized
lens, which are capable of sensing and reacting
to varying light conditions such as the low light
conditions, behind the windshield of a car and
bright light outdoor. And it provides comfort to the
wearer and removes blinding glare for clear vision.

MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR features

MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR features
  • • Photochromic technology application which provides an comfortable vision in various light conditions
  • • Easy adaptation to indoor and outdoor environments with rapid activation and deactivation and more sensitive
    reacting in visable light during bright light conditions behind the windshield of a car
  • • A visual comfort and clear vision by efficiently blocking glare
  • • Eye protection from external factors and impact which can happen in outdoor activities with infrangible material
    (Polycarbonate, Trilogy)
  • • Inconvenience reduction by presbyopia with stable near zone
  • • UV Protection
  • • Good traffic signal recognition by highlighting the reds and greens

Optical property and safety

MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR safety

Photochromic polarized lens technology of MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR

Transitions® Photochromic Technology

MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR safety

< MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR's visible light transmittance percentage >

  • - High contrast green and yellow color
  • - Security of clear vision in low light conditions
  • - Removal of glare in overcast condition
  • - Easy to recognize traffic signals
  • - About 50% of copper color maintenance behind the windshield of a car
  • - Effective in safe driving due to both removal of excess light and glare coming into car
  • - Comfortable vision by reacting effectively against the external factors and changing into an appropriate color concentration in the car
  • - Maximum filtration of excess light to protect eyes or to prevent eye fatigue
  • - Maintaining clarity by transmitting adequate amount of light

NuPolar® Polarization Technology

General polarized lens uses the dark polarizing film to absorb a lot of light.
DRIVEWEAR lens makes the superior polarization property with high efficiency
bright polarizing film and also provides safety and comfort to remove glare in
different light conditions.

MAXtremer DRIVEWEAR lens

  • - Not recommend wearing while nighttime driving since the lens react much more sensitive in sunlight.
  • - Not recommend applying mirror coating that disturbs photochromic activation in visible light.
    However, silver mirror coating(50%) is recommendedfor customers who want MAXtremer's colorful mirror coating.

Necessary for the following customers

  • - Who want the glare shield and harmful UV block.
  • - Who experience the glare easily from bright light in the car during daytime driving.
  • - Who enjoy the various leisure activities such as athletics, fishing, water sports and cycle etc.